2012年10月26日 星期五

Taipei ICOC MK (Mature Kingdom) Ministry Declaration of Reform

Taipei ICOC MK (Mature Kingdom) Ministry
 Declaration of Reform

The brothers and sisters of this ministry, upholding the truth of God and in faithfulness to God and his truth, regarding the October 17 explanation/service held by the full-time staff in room 1402 at National Taiwan University which led to much turmoil among brothers and sisters, besides our deep and heartfelt sadness, we also want to express our deep disappointment. But we still deeply love the church that belongs to God. We hope that everyone can humbly pray for the church, asking God to build a church that will glorify Him, asking the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of our heart to see the hidden sins in our church, and asking God to forgive the sins in our church that are not pleasing to God.  

After discussion with most of the brothers and sisters in this ministry, we look forward to a new beginning. Let us be at one in heart with God, to work together for church reform.  The following is our Declaration of Reform:

1.          We reject the One True Church doctrine. We will no longer use this doctrine, stance, behavior or attitude towards other churches. We will have appropriate fellowship with Christians of other churches, according to the Bible’s teachings.

2.          We reject the pyramid-shaped authoritarian structure and bishop system of leadership. This is to prevent support of authoritarianism, double standards, abuse of authority, and unscrupulous expulsion of members. We will work towards having overseers supervise the church.

3.          Evangelists and ministers should focus on evangelism, shepherding and prayer and distance themselves from finances, to prevent them from falling into temptation.

4.          Overseers and deacons should immediately be selected by the members. They will manage the contribution according to Taiwan’s laws and regularly report on the details of church expenses. The church should immediately give a detailed report on how past contributions and special contribution/China missions funds were used so as to walk in the light and be blameless before the church.

5.          God is pleased with contributions given from a cheerful and willing heart. No matter how much a person gives, the church should not monitor or criticize the amount a person contributes or demand 10% of a person’s income.

6.   We have only one teacher, Jesus Christ. We are all brothers and sisters. There should not be titles such as discipler, Moses and leader, etc.

7.   The discipling system goes against Jesus’ teachings (Matthew 23:8-10) and should be abolished. This is to prevent incidents of personal spiritual abuse that have hurt the spirits of the sheep.

8.   Jesus Christ is the Head of the church. Leaders are not the head of the church. We need to give the church to Christ and build a church pleasing to God.

